Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America
Member Achievements in UKC Archives
Friendship, guidance and teamwork abound at UKC events attended by the Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America members. Whether it is performance or conformation, members cheer each other on and enter UKC events in numbers that make an impact. The TOP 10 BREED Standings reflect this participation dating back to 2006 (when multiple numbers of Dutch Shepherds first appeared) and DSDCA members supporting one another have created the unbroken string of member owned TOP 10 Dutch Shepherds shown below. The Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America embraces the UKC “Total Dog” philosophy promoting the working aspect of the Dutch Shepherd and commends those dogs that “look AND perform equally well”, therefore we will emphasize ALL titles earned by DSDCA member Dutch Shepherds and congratulate them for each achievement. We also note that behind every DSDCA member conformation or performance titled Dutch Shepherd stands countless admirers, supporters and friends whose entries and participation in events made these achievements possible. Congratulations to all the owners of UKC registered Dutch Shepherds and thank you for your dedication to our mission of promoting and protecting the integrity of the working Dutch Shepherd.
DSDCA MEMBER Achievements during 1998 in UKC Archives
May 1998
United Conformation - Breed Champion