2019 Dutch Shepherd National Specialty
Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds - 2900 Lake Street - Kalamazoo, Michigan 48854 (Held in conjunction with the UKC Premier Dog Show Specialties)
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2019Judge: Karin CattinDutch 21 entries Congratulations to the spectacular group of Dutch Shepherds that participated in the UKC Dutch Shepherd National Specialty Show held June 12, 2019 at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan hosted by the Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America and judged by the honorable Mrs. Karen Cattin. The entries and placements are: JUNIOR MALE (1):Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston BEST MALE:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston PUPPY FEMALE (3):Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine HenneySugar Island’s American Beauty (Skete) Carolyn MuessmanCasa D’Agostini Romana (Romana) Kirstin Allan BEST PUPPY FEMALE (1):Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine Henney JUNIOR FEMALE (2):Dusty’s Third Times A Charm @ VDK (Echo) Debra Rojewski BREEDER/HANDLER FEMALE (1):Sugar Island’s American Scrapper (Nala) Brittany Behm BEST FEMALE:Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine Henney RESERVE BEST FEMALE:Sugar Island’s American Beauty (Skete) Carolyn Muessman BEST OF WINNERS:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston CHAMPIONS (6):Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo (Nika) Brittany BehmCher Car’s I’m Your Blind Spot (Mayhem) Kurt HebelerCher Car’s One Singular Sensation (J’Adore) Kelly Reed LucasCher Car’s American Freedom (Ellis) Carolyn MuessmanCher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen WroblewskiVrijheid’s Virtue (Trexie) Karen Wroblewski NATIONAL CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen Wroblewski RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo (Nika) Brittany Behm GRAND CHAMPION (5):Cher Car’s Double Tap (Clip) Charlie JohnsonCher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry KnackCher Car’s Some Like It Hot (Chanel) Kelly Reed LucasVon Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van NuilVon Der King’s J’ai Tes Six (Bravo) Sandy Williams NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack RESERVE NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION:Von Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van Nuil NATIONAL BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack RESERVE NATIONAL BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston ALTERED CHAMPION (1):Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki NATIONAL ALTERED CHAMPION:Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION (2):Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney JohnsonCher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank NATIONAL ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank RESERVE NATIONAL ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION:Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson NATIONAL ALTERED BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank RESERVE NATIONAL ALTERED BEST OF BREED:Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki Non-Licensed Class: VETERAN (2)Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda JanickiLuna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson NATIONAL BEST VETERAN:Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson Special Exhibition Class: PARADE OF TITLEHOLDERS (16) 8 titles: RNCH PTA NI NC USJ CA CH Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo SPOT (Nika) Brittany Behm 4 titles: URO1 NC GRCH Cher Car’s Double Tap (Clip) Charlie Johnson31 titles: Multi-HIT URO1 UAGI EI MN USJCH CA CH Cher Car’s I’m Your Blind Spot (Mayhem) Kurt Hebeler12 titles: NACH MBIAS ALCH URO1 USJ USF UAGII UWP Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki 8 titles: NGRCH RATS UWPCH USJ GRCH Vrijheid’s Twist of Fate (Caffrey) Amanda Janicki32 titles: UKC Superdog ROM-XX RNAGRCH RBIMBS EC ME SV AN USJCH UCD CA UWP URO3 UAGI GRCH Luna Van Cher Car (Luna) Charlie Johnson 1 title: UMJ Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnson35 titles: NBOB NGRCH NCH NRCH BIS(5x) BISS RBIS USF USJCH EN GRCH Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack23 titles: ROM-X NGRCH RBIS RBISS UUFCH SI AN UAGI USF CA URO1 GSJCH GRCH Cher Car’s Some Like It Hot (Chanel) Kelly Reed Lucas10 titles: URO1 NN USJCH CH Cher Car’s One Singular Sensation (J’Adore) Kelly Reed Lucas35 titles: Multi-HIT RBIMBS CA USJ EN CH Cher Car’s American Freedom SPOT SPOT-ON (Ellis) Carolyn Muessman43 titles: NBOB NCH MBIS(7x) BISS RBIS ABIS(11x) ABISS ARBIS(3x) NAGRCH WSD EHD EN UAGI UUF GSJCH UNJCH URO1 CA GRCH Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace SPOT-ON (Lace) Maude Tank 2 titles: NCH RBIS UNJ CH Cher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen Wroblewski 4 titles: NBOB BISS NE NC CH Vrijheid’s Virtue (Trexie) Karen Wroblewski16 titles: RNGRCH SC AI PTM URO1 GRCH Von Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van Nuil 4 titles: UWP URO1 GRCH Von Der King’s J'ai Tes Six (Bravo) Sandy Williams Silver Round Tray Achievement Awards were presented to:Maude Tank and “Sir” for outstanding achievement in UKC Nosework for earning the United Elite Nosework TitlePat Chery and “Duchess” for outstanding achievement in UKC Obedience for earning the United Obedience Champion Title and the United Utility Excellent TitlePat Chery and “Thunder” for outstanding achievement in UKC Obedience for earning the United Obedience Champion Title The following educational seminars were presented at the conclusion of the Specialty:"No pain, no gain; keeping the 'working' in working dogs" conducted by DSDCA Veterinary Council Karen Wroblewski, DVM “Dutch Shepherd Breed Standard” by Cheryl Carlson, breeder and DSDCA President The Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America wishes to thank the 21 dog and handler teams that joined us at the UKC Dutch Shepherd 2019 National Specialty Show. The picture below is the Special Exhibition class honoring the UKC Performance Titled Dutch Shepherds comprised of 16 dogs who have earned a total of 268 UKC titles. What a remarkable sight that was! Congratulations to all that participated and THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming out and joining the celebration.
Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds - 2900 Lake Street - Kalamazoo, Michigan 48854 (Held in conjunction with the UKC Premier Dog Show Specialties)
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2019Judge: Karin CattinDutch 21 entries Congratulations to the spectacular group of Dutch Shepherds that participated in the UKC Dutch Shepherd National Specialty Show held June 12, 2019 at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan hosted by the Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America and judged by the honorable Mrs. Karen Cattin. The entries and placements are: JUNIOR MALE (1):Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston BEST MALE:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston PUPPY FEMALE (3):Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine HenneySugar Island’s American Beauty (Skete) Carolyn MuessmanCasa D’Agostini Romana (Romana) Kirstin Allan BEST PUPPY FEMALE (1):Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine Henney JUNIOR FEMALE (2):Dusty’s Third Times A Charm @ VDK (Echo) Debra Rojewski BREEDER/HANDLER FEMALE (1):Sugar Island’s American Scrapper (Nala) Brittany Behm BEST FEMALE:Cher Car's Queen Nymeria (Nyma) Katherine Henney RESERVE BEST FEMALE:Sugar Island’s American Beauty (Skete) Carolyn Muessman BEST OF WINNERS:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston CHAMPIONS (6):Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo (Nika) Brittany BehmCher Car’s I’m Your Blind Spot (Mayhem) Kurt HebelerCher Car’s One Singular Sensation (J’Adore) Kelly Reed LucasCher Car’s American Freedom (Ellis) Carolyn MuessmanCher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen WroblewskiVrijheid’s Virtue (Trexie) Karen Wroblewski NATIONAL CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen Wroblewski RESERVE NATIONAL CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo (Nika) Brittany Behm GRAND CHAMPION (5):Cher Car’s Double Tap (Clip) Charlie JohnsonCher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry KnackCher Car’s Some Like It Hot (Chanel) Kelly Reed LucasVon Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van NuilVon Der King’s J’ai Tes Six (Bravo) Sandy Williams NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack RESERVE NATIONAL GRAND CHAMPION:Von Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van Nuil NATIONAL BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack RESERVE NATIONAL BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnston ALTERED CHAMPION (1):Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki NATIONAL ALTERED CHAMPION:Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION (2):Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney JohnsonCher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank NATIONAL ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION:Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank RESERVE NATIONAL ALTERED GRAND CHAMPION:Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson NATIONAL ALTERED BEST OF BREED:Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace (Lace) Maude Tank RESERVE NATIONAL ALTERED BEST OF BREED:Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki Non-Licensed Class: VETERAN (2)Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda JanickiLuna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson NATIONAL BEST VETERAN:Luna van Cher Car (Luna) Delaney Johnson Special Exhibition Class: PARADE OF TITLEHOLDERS (16) 8 titles: RNCH PTA NI NC USJ CA CH Cher Car’s Scrappy Doo SPOT (Nika) Brittany Behm 4 titles: URO1 NC GRCH Cher Car’s Double Tap (Clip) Charlie Johnson31 titles: Multi-HIT URO1 UAGI EI MN USJCH CA CH Cher Car’s I’m Your Blind Spot (Mayhem) Kurt Hebeler12 titles: NACH MBIAS ALCH URO1 USJ USF UAGII UWP Liberty Hoeve Bria (Bria) Amanda Janicki 8 titles: NGRCH RATS UWPCH USJ GRCH Vrijheid’s Twist of Fate (Caffrey) Amanda Janicki32 titles: UKC Superdog ROM-XX RNAGRCH RBIMBS EC ME SV AN USJCH UCD CA UWP URO3 UAGI GRCH Luna Van Cher Car (Luna) Charlie Johnson 1 title: UMJ Cher Car’s Come Sail Away (Styx) Gina Johnson35 titles: NBOB NGRCH NCH NRCH BIS(5x) BISS RBIS USF USJCH EN GRCH Cher Car’s Sir Prize v Alpha (Wizard) Terry Knack23 titles: ROM-X NGRCH RBIS RBISS UUFCH SI AN UAGI USF CA URO1 GSJCH GRCH Cher Car’s Some Like It Hot (Chanel) Kelly Reed Lucas10 titles: URO1 NN USJCH CH Cher Car’s One Singular Sensation (J’Adore) Kelly Reed Lucas35 titles: Multi-HIT RBIMBS CA USJ EN CH Cher Car’s American Freedom SPOT SPOT-ON (Ellis) Carolyn Muessman43 titles: NBOB NCH MBIS(7x) BISS RBIS ABIS(11x) ABISS ARBIS(3x) NAGRCH WSD EHD EN UAGI UUF GSJCH UNJCH URO1 CA GRCH Cher Car’s Gunpowder N Lace SPOT-ON (Lace) Maude Tank 2 titles: NCH RBIS UNJ CH Cher Car’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey) Karen Wroblewski 4 titles: NBOB BISS NE NC CH Vrijheid’s Virtue (Trexie) Karen Wroblewski16 titles: RNGRCH SC AI PTM URO1 GRCH Von Der King’s Superhero (Marvel) Kellie Van Nuil 4 titles: UWP URO1 GRCH Von Der King’s J'ai Tes Six (Bravo) Sandy Williams Silver Round Tray Achievement Awards were presented to:Maude Tank and “Sir” for outstanding achievement in UKC Nosework for earning the United Elite Nosework TitlePat Chery and “Duchess” for outstanding achievement in UKC Obedience for earning the United Obedience Champion Title and the United Utility Excellent TitlePat Chery and “Thunder” for outstanding achievement in UKC Obedience for earning the United Obedience Champion Title The following educational seminars were presented at the conclusion of the Specialty:"No pain, no gain; keeping the 'working' in working dogs" conducted by DSDCA Veterinary Council Karen Wroblewski, DVM “Dutch Shepherd Breed Standard” by Cheryl Carlson, breeder and DSDCA President The Dutch Shepherd Dog Club of America wishes to thank the 21 dog and handler teams that joined us at the UKC Dutch Shepherd 2019 National Specialty Show. The picture below is the Special Exhibition class honoring the UKC Performance Titled Dutch Shepherds comprised of 16 dogs who have earned a total of 268 UKC titles. What a remarkable sight that was! Congratulations to all that participated and THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming out and joining the celebration.
Click on first picture below to scroll through full size pictures in gallery.
Best female-Cher Car's Queen Nymeria-Katherine Henney
Best Male and Best of Winners Cher Car's Come Sail Away-Gina Johnston
National Champion-Cher Car's Don't Stop Believin'-breeder Lori Webster
Reserve Nat'l Champion Sugar Island's American Scrapper-Brittany Behm
Reserve Best in Show Cher Car's Come Sail Away-Gina Johnston
National GRCH-National Best of Breed, Best in Specialty Show Cher Car's Sir Prize v Alpha-Maude Tank